Have You Created A Vision Board?: Have You Created A Vision Board?

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Have You Created a Vision Board? “If you can Dream it, You can do it.” – Walt Disney. A vision board is a great way to speed the manifestation process. For those who may not know, it is usually a collection of pictures encapsulating your goals and desires. It is normally kept somewhere that is frequently visible—it can help and speed the process of bringing your dreams into your reality. Sometimes, even the actions of creating one can jump start the magic process of manifestation. Remember, “Thoughts Create Things” and “We see what we are looking for.” When you are clear on what you would like, I would highly recommend taking the time to make one. I had an exciting experience creating and living one. On New Years day a group of about 40 people were in a New Years workshop and taking the time to create our own vision boards, for the year. …show more content…

Then the universe and your higher self will see your mean business and the flow will begin. The treasures of your tomorrow are waiting to be created, in your beautiful heart, and thoughts today. How Do You See the World? “Sanity may be madness, but the maddest of all is to see life as it is not as it should be.” Don Quixote. I’m convinced that we all have choices and what we choose to visualise and see, in time, creates our reality. We can choose to live in routine mediocrity, or create through thought and our beliefs—which are merely repeated thoughts, our dream worlds. Have you seen the movie “Man of La Mancha,” the story of Don Quixote, with Peter O’Toole and Sophia Loren? If not, maybe you have heard the song, from the movie, “To Dream the Impossible Dream.” Take some time to search out and read or listen to the words from this song on the internet. It is truly envisioning and inspiring—A message with a sincere heart cry and a picture of the journey of awakening. Unfortunately I was unable to get permission to reproduce them

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