Hatred Quotes

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Hatred. A feeling that can destroy what we have and take what we love. We all are victims of Hatred’s sinister claws and razor sharp teeth, pulling us into its depths of decay. With all of the bias and effects that Hatred brings to us, sometimes we cannot help but give back what we have gotten. King’s novel, “Carrie,” and xxxDejixxx’s poem, “Treat others the way you want to be treated,” indicate that you reap what you sow. Both King and xxxDejixxx are illustrating that you get what you earn. On page 147 of “Carrie,” the text says, “She was grinning. I never saw such a grin. It was like death’s hand. And she kept looking at her hands and trying to rub the blood off and [thinking] how she was going to pour blood on the whole town and make them pay.” The meaning of this quote is simple- Carrie believes that all of the people who caused her pain in the past years should have to feel the same way they made her feel. As an addition, the book says, “It was time to teach them a lesson. Time to show them a thing or two,” on page 151. This quote practically explains itself: Carrie felt she had enough experience with anguish, and she wanted to show her peers what …show more content…

Firstly, the narrator says, “I thought it was hell,” on line 9 as an example of a metaphor. She is comparing how he/she felt when they were being treated badly to hell. Next, the author was very malleable with her grammar. On lines 4, 5, 10, and 11, xxxDejixxx says words like, “im,” “too,” “i,” and “wernt.” This emphasizes the freeform arrangement that the author was going for. As an addition, xxxDjixxx is fond of rhyming. The rhyme scheme is ABCDEFEGHIEJKLM. The commonly repeated end sound is ‘e,’ and xxxDejixxx rhymes the words “sorry,” “me,” and “be.” This poetry method helps the poem to flow much more smoothly. Accordingly, xxxDejixxx applies many different literary devices to complete the poem “Treat others that way you want to be

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