Hate Speech Research Paper

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Miguel Raymundo Hernandez Dr. Jack Hull Ethic in Government Nov. 30,2015 The Protection of Hate Speech Hate speech, According to American Bar Association is "that offends, threatens, or insults groups, based on race, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, disability, other traits (American).” Hate speech can include “insulting nouns for racial groups, degrading caricatures, a threat of violence, and literature portraying individual as animal-like. There has been long debate whether to protect hate speech in the United States. The hate speech has been protected because it been fundament principle of the constitution. The some part of speech are regulated by the government usually are fighting words which are motivated to …show more content…

One main argument that opponents of protecting hate speech is the "hate speech" turns into hate crimes. A hate crime is a “crime perpetrated against a victim because of perceived characteristic of an individual that many associate him or her with a social group.” The hate speech leads or promotes hate crime. Hate speech regulation is needed to maintain order in society and protect everyone rights. Moral Is hate speech free speech? This question has long been a debate among scholars. Hate is destructive and usually targets a minorities group. Prevents other from speaking out. According to Abigail Bright the author Hate Speech and Equality “hate speech work against the fabric of a democratic society, which is based on mutual respect, is nebulous and flighty.” The hate speech in the morality aspect is wrong because bring hate into society and allow for violates of individual rights. …show more content…

Freedom of speech is important part of the United States society. Yes, hate speech is harm to society, but also limit speech. Free speech has long been a debate about regulating it and protects it. People say awful things about other people and the government. The states, companies, and colleges have tried to punish or limit hate speech. Unfortunately, they have been unsuccessful in their effect. When the government starts regulating on free speech the people are giving up a powerful tool but the other hand hate speech violate other people liberties. As individuals are allow to speak hateful words and tried to attack a particular group people have the right encounter with positive words. Both side of argument will be allow express their without being

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