Harry Potter Persuasive Speech

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From an aerial view of the Commons this past weekend, you would be witness to an endless swarm of pointed black hats, and knitted striped scarves making their way downtown. The streets of Ithaca were overflowing with witchy spirit as children and adults of all ages gathered to celebrate their shared love for Harry Potter, witchcraft, and all things otherworldly.

Wizarding Weekend has taken place in Ithaca over Halloween weekend for the past two years and its third annual festival began on Friday, with a parade of every Halloween costume imaginable, Harry Potter related or otherwise.

The events continued through Sunday, but the festivities peak took place on Saturday, as vendors, enthusiasts, and performers alike all gathered to transform the typically mundane surroundings of the Commons into the world of Harry Potter. You could get your Hogwarts acceptance letter, see owls, and have your house determined by the Sorting Hat. For a moment in the eyes of fans it truly felt as though the magical brick wall …show more content…

Cotraccia hosts a monthly interview based podcast called Wizardwatch, which focuses on Harry Potter through the perspective of the fans and the personal impact it has made on them.

“We look at how the books may have inspired you to get caught up in the Harry Potter ethos, which to me is about friendship and getting involved in the community more,” Cotraccia said.

Cotraccio also strongly believes in the difference the Harry Potter fandom can make beyond the realm of the story.

“A lot of fans are doing big things in the world,” Cotraccio said. “I’ve sat down with the founder of the organization Lumos, which is an effort to eradicate the institutionalization of children in foreign countries.” Wizarding Weekend is not only a place for fans to connect, but also for vendors to show off their craftsmanship. For many sellers, Wizarding Weekend is an important stop on their festival

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