Harry Potter And The Cursed Child Essay

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Events leading up to the time turner
In the book Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, Albus Potter takes ma ny actions to be in the possession of the time turner. All these actions have an affect on the story and play a big role.
It all starts on page 34 when Amos Diggory comes to Harry’s house in the middle of the night. He starts talking about how Cedric was killed as the spare. Harry suggests a memorial but Amos thinks otherwise. “A memorial? I am not interested in a memorial— not anymore. I am an old man — an old dying man — and I am here to ask you — beg you — to help me get him back.” says Amos Diggory on page 34. There was a rumor that Harry Potter had kept a time turner. “The Ministry has a Time-Turner, does it not?”
Harry potter tells him the the rumor is fiction and bringing back cedric is not possible.
Albus overhears the conversation figures out that his father denied the fact that he had a time turner and didn’t want to help Amos. Ignoring his father’s opinion, he takes matters into his own hands. Albus wants to bring Cedric back alive because …show more content…

Albus and his best friend Scorpius Malfoy are on the Hogwarts express traveling to Hogwarts. Albus’ plan is to jump off of the train and go to Amos diggory. During the ride, Albus and Scorpius are spotted on top of the train by the mean old Trolley Witch. She explains how nobody had ever gotten off the train before their destination and many who have tried, failed. She even gives examples such as Sirius Black and George Weasley She demands them to go back to their seats. But Albus, the determined and rebellious human being he is, jumps of the train. Scorpius follows him because the trolley witch is coming after him. Since he doesn’t want to get caught, he also jumps off the train. Jumping off the train could cause severe consequences. They jumped off the train just to offer help to an old man. He risked his life to just offer

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