Harriet Harman Abolish Muslim Veil Summary

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Abolish Muslim Veils, Says Harman / Author: Murphy, Joe

Harriet Harman called for a campaign to abolish Muslim veils for it kept women down and hid them from society. The veil makes some feel uncomfortable and in danger. Harman believes that the veil is an obstacle to women’s participation, on equal terms, in society.

One in Three Support a Full Ban on Muslim Veil / Author: Crerar, Pippa

One out of three people support a ban on Muslim wearing a full veil in public. And a whopping more than six out of ten people agreed that veils should also be prohibited in passport control and airports for several reasons and one being the comfort and safety of others. Only 20 percent of people objected to the Muslim veils being worn out in public …show more content…

Sociologist Juliette Minces told the National Assembly’s committee of inquiry: it stood for Islam’s belief in the submission of women to a man’s view of them as sexually dangerous and in need of protection. Francoise Gaspard and Fharad Khosrokhavar had concluded, after interviews during 1994 with girls who were wearing them, that were at least three head scarves, all of them French, each with different backgrounds. One was the scarf worn by immigrant women, a tie to the world from which they had come. Another had been the one worn by teens, whose families demanded it as a sign of modesty, and a way of controlling sexuality. A third was the scarf chosen by young women as a form of self-protection or as an expression of …show more content…

The aim was to "purify" those areas of Afghanistan that had been "corrupted" by modernization. But the Taliban never bothered to enforce its rules in traditional areas. And in most Afghan villages, women rarely wear the burka for villages in Afghanistan are organized into kin-oriented areas, and the veil needs wearing only when a woman is among men from outside of her kin group. A rural woman most often puts on a burka for travel, especially to cities. The veil was never the nightmare American feminists make it out to be. In a world where satisfaction in life is predicated on the honor, strength, and unity of the kin group, the veil makes sense. Despite that the oppressive impositions of the Taliban have rightly been abolished, the United States should not to be in the business of browbeating Muslim women out of their veils, much less reforming the Middle Eastern kinship system, and instead, people need to encourage the separation of traditional Muslim family practices from the political ideology of Islamic

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