Harold And Maude Film Analysis

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Maude, played by Ruth Gordon, radiates energy and is plagued with the fear of not living. She also shows a distaste for authority. This is exemplified in nearly every scene, especially the scene with Harold and Maude in the woods. The ambiance feels almost fairy-tale induced. She helps Harold in seeing why life is worth living, as she (and the film) chase their own obsessions, and she is not troubled by what anyone else thinks (much like the film).
Harold’s mother, Mrs. Chasen, depicts the perfect domineering mother that would push any child over the limit. This essentially leads Harold to be emotionally disconnected from his surroundings. Mrs. Chasen, played by Vivien Pickles, dismisses Harold’s behavior as an act of rebellion, and sends …show more content…

Much of its allure consists of Ashby’s creative direction of the film and the many close-ups of the stars. In a particular scene, Maude asks Harold which flower he would want to be, after stating she would like to be a sunflower. He points to a bed of daisies, and says that he would like to be them because they are all alike. Maude responds by saying, “Oh, but they are not. Look. See – some are smaller, some are fatter, some grow to the left, some to the right, some even have lost some petals – all kinds of observable differences. You see, Harold, I feel that much of the world’s sorrow comes from people who are this, and allow themselves to be treated as that… Each person is different, never existed before and never to exist again. Just like this daisy – an individual.” (Maude 1971) Then the scene cuts to a wide shot of the two of them surrounded by dozens of gravestones. After a brief moment, the shot zooms out further into an extreme long shot of the cemetery, revealing thousands of graves; now Harold and Maude are no longer seen. Even though they are not seen, we remember they are still there. To much of everyone’s discontent with their relationship, Harold falls in love with Maude for her spirit and love of life despite his great obsession with death. Every scene they are in, Maude is saying something that shows Harold to make the most of his time.

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