Harita Bhatt Interview

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Interview of Harita Bhatt (Indian Migrant’s Experience – India to the US) Harita Bhatt migrated to the US a decade ago from Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. She has received high-quality training to operate within the framework of the banking sector as a competent Investment Banking Consultant (IBC), yet was experiencing considerable difficulties discovering sufficient work in order to assist her family members and articulated that she initially did not earn adequate wages when she got employed. Harita communicated with a fellow citizen, who had simply directed his child towards the US, and could establish interaction with a “secret agent” who escorted her over territorial waters and borders of various nations. Presently residing within the city limits of Trenton, New Jersey and operating within the banking sector, Harita states that she "cherishes the US for all the wealth; however, my family and friends are missed …show more content…

Having the capacity to adopt and exercise the American mannerisms "created all things very simple. I was able to work and cooperate with my colleagues in the bank and it was just improved." Harita's parents are still in Mumbai and she does go to visit them sporadically, yet she does not have any plans to go back to India for good. Harita discovered that the capacity to collaborate meaningfully with both her colleagues and clients improved her overall life value. She commented that she “did not face racial exclusion” and her perspectives regarding others had transformed. This represents constancy with the notion of if an individual is adapting to a community, his or her interpretations regarding that nation will transform. Within Harita’s setting, an absence of occupations in her nation of origin assisted as being the “push” variable for

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