Hanukkah Research Paper

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Around 17.5 million oily donuts are eaten in Israel during Hanukkah! Hanukkah is a Jewish festival, that is also known as the festival of lights. This festival lasts around 8 days and occurs in the month of December. Three main concepts about Hanukkah are the history about Hanukkah, how it’s celebrated, and the Jewish traditions that are celebrate. A main concept about Hanukkah is it’s history. Around 200 B.C., the whole land of Israel was taken under the power of Antiochus III , who allowed the jews who lived there to still keep celebrating their religion. Ancient records show that Antiochus III’s son , Antiochus IV Epiphanes, banned the Jewish religion , and order the Jews to worship Greek Gods. In about 168 B.C , his soldiers came …show more content…

Hanukkah is celebrated in many different ways, but there are 7 main steps to celebrate this festival. Step one is to learn about the holiday. The next step is to get a Hanukkiah. A Hanukkiah is a 9-branched candelabra. Another word for Hanukkiah is Menorah, which is a 7 branched candelabra. Eight of the branches represent the eight days of the festival , the last one is used to light all of the other branches. When you place the candles on the Hanukkiah, you place right to left. The first candle that is always supposed to be lit is the last candle placed on the Hanukkiah. Each day you light the candles until eight days then all of them have been lit. The Hanukkiah is traditionally placed by the window, so when everyone passes it they remember the miracle of Hanukkah. The third step is to recite the blessing when you light the Hanukkiah. The prayers are a way of respecting God and the Jewish Ancestors. The fourth step is to play dreidel, which is a four sided top. The fifth step is to give small token to the children. Each day of Hanukkah small gifts of money are given to the children , another popular thing the children get are chocolate coins. The sixth step is to eat foods cooked in oil. The last step is to tell the children about what they believe in , and what it means to stand up for what you believe

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