Hansberry On Summer

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Throughout “On Summer” Hansberry ideas about summer have changed a lot from when she was a child from when she was an adult. At the beginning of the story Hansberry does not like summer. She soon realizes that it is not that bad. Hansberry sees all the different qualities that summer has that other seasons do not. A lot of things in her life have changed her perspective on summer. In Hansberry’s opinion, summer is the noblest of all the seasons. This means she thinks highly about summer and she believes it has a lot of great qualities to offer. When Hansberry was a child she did not like summer at all. When she thought of summer she thought of a hot room, too-grainy texture of sand, and really cold waters. Hansberry writes, “For the longest kind of time I simply thought that summer was a mistake” (208). Hansberry was not fond of summer, some nights the went to the park and slept on the grass because it was hot. Then one summer when she was seven or eight her mother took her to see her grandmother. She loved seeing her grandmother and she saw that she loved summer. Every summer that she spent with …show more content…

She started realizing how there are a lot of great qualities about summer. Hansberry grew more fond of summer. Hansberry says summer is the noblest of seasons because it's the seasons with the best qualities. She also believes that when it is summer you can go out and go on adventures. I think noble means having or showing fine qualities and that is why summer is the noblest of all seasons. As an adult Hansberry loves summer and spending time with her grandmother. She looks past all other not so good things and focus on what's good about summer. Hansberry sees summer from other people's point of view and not just focusing on her point of view. She understands more than she did when she was a kid because all she wanted was for her and her grandmother to live to see another summer again

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