Handsomest Drowned Man In The World, By Gabriel Garcia Marquez

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In “The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World,” by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, there are many patterns and relationships present. This story explores the affect a dying old man from shore that has awoken people of a village and nearby to become more alive. People realize the beauty in the man, unknowingly take this experience and shadow it onto their lives as a whole refraining from being so dull. This story clearly amplifies the major themes of magic realism, transformation and men with masculinity. On the basis of magic realism in this article, there is a hopelessly big man who is so handsome besides his size that ultimately catches the attention of all people. People claim that “even though they were looking at him, there was no room for him in their imagination.” People were stuck with complete wonder that what they were seeing even exists. Besides the …show more content…

Upon finding the dead man, altercations have been made in the sea through its steadiness and movement. The wind from sea has “come to be so peaceful that now it’s gone to sleep beneath the beds,” because of the handsome man’s death. A further change in nature from this magical instance was when the “sun (was) so bright that the flowers didn’t know which way to turn.” With such magical occurrences and affect on the people, the individuals eventually transform their ways and lifestyle of their homes. The magical realism has caused transformation to regard forever memory of the handsomest drowned man to ever be found. The recollection of the dead man has been given human

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