Hands: Paranoia

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Hands: Paranoia

It seems that in all three of these works there is a sense of paranoia.

In "Hands" a man is fearful of what might happen if he continues to do as he has

done in the past, touch people. A terrible fear of what a small touch could

lead to. In the story "Eveline" a young woman is confused about what to do with

her life. Whether to go with a man she thinks she loves or stay with her father.

In the poem "Summer Solstice, New York City" This man is made crazy and

paranoid because of something. That something has driven this man to the point

of casting his body over the edge of a building.

Straight from the text of Hands, a story about a man and his paranoia of

his own hands. An example of Wing Biddlebaums fear. "Wing Biddlebaum forever

frightened and beset by a ghostly band of doubts."(p. 882) Adolf Myers, or Wing,

as the town people called him, was a dreamer, he wanted others to dream with him

and experience what he did. "Adolf Myers walked into the evening or had sat

talking until dusk upon the school steps lost in a dream."(p. 884) "In a way

the voice and hands, the stroking of shoulders and the touching of hair were a

part of the school Master's effort to carry a dream into the young minds."(p.

884) This is a man that was run out of a town for something that was not a bad

thing. Nor was this something intended the wrong way. Mr. Myers did touch only

to pass on something great, a dream. Mr. Myers was run from a town. "They

intended to hang the school master."(p. 885) "As he ran away in the darkness

they repented their weakness and ran after him."(p. 885) Mr. Myers was so

paranoid about touching someone he would do anything to keep his hands from

doing so. "When he talked to George Willard, Wing Biddlebaum closed his fist and

beat with them upon a table or on the walls of his house."(p. 882) Once Wing did

let that one thing that he tried so hard not to do happen. He touched someone,

when he realized it I feel that the paranoia set in. "For once he forgot his

hands. Slowly they stole their way upon George Willard's shoulders."(p. 883)

"With a conclusive move of his body Wing sprang to his feet and thrust his hands

deep in his pockets." "Tears came to his eyes." "I must be getting home, I can

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