Han Dynasty And Roman Empire

996 Words2 Pages

The Han Dynasty of China and the Roman Empire were both civilizations that excelled in science and had advanced technology. The governments were a core part of these civilizations, as it lead them towards their futures. The Roman Empire went through two major stages, the republic and the empire. The Han dynasty however, was always an empire with one absolute ruler. During a period of peace in Rome, Christianity emerged and spread to all of Rome. Christianity gave Rome new beliefs, which let the Church overpower the previous rulers. In the Han Empire however, Confucianism was the primary belief. Confucianism was the idea of relationships with one another and to gain individual happiness. The Romans had superior engineering skills. They designed structures such as aqueducts and were advanced in the medical field. The Han Empire was less focused in engineering, but was knowledged in the science fields such as chemistry and zoology. They invented better time tracking devices with water and such. The Han Empire had a stronger government and advanced more in the fields of science than the Roman Empire. However, Roman’s Christian background was more powerful and outstanding compared to the Han’s belief in Confucianism.
Overall, the Hand Dynasty had a better government than the Romans. The Roman Empire went through many changes before it officially became an empire with one absolute ruler. Before it became an empire, it was a republic with consuls. Each year, two consuls were elected from a group of patricians, men who made the laws, to become consul. These consuls tried to command the Roman armies and supervise the business of the government. The Roman republic sought for equality and justice. They committed to a policy of imperialism,...

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...ring the Han golden age, there were tremendous achievements and advancements in the fields of science. The Han dynasty, without doubt, advanced more in science than the Romans did.
Despite the differences of the Han and Roman Empire, both are still part of our society today. Rome’s architecture and advanced engineering were built upon to become even more efficient. The common religion in Rome is a major religion in modern cultures. Han also had the most intellectual governments of its time. Although becoming a government worker was not as hard as it was for the people of the Han Empire, government workers have to go through a civil service exam before they can become one. The Han Empire also created one of the many clocks that we can improve to make it more efficient. Overall, both of these empires made revolutionary changes that will stay with us for a long time.

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