Hammering Diversity

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Diversity Is Not Working Hammering diversity into our lives where it is not wanted is causing negative effects in our communities. The idea of diversity sounds good to the ears, but it is like the idea of equality; many encourage it but it is more talked about than it is implemented. As Americans, the word diversity is something people tend to like in theory due to our ever-changing culture; but actions on the idea of diversity is saying the opposite. As humans, there is no fight between inborn characteristics and how humans have naturally separated socially into groups. Human nature has a great influence on us and is a major barrier to creating a diverse society. There must be enough room for people to grow, instead of crowding them where …show more content…

There are huge cultural differences from ethnic group to ethnic group, and the problem is not just one group in particular, but combining them is where conflict starts. Since each group contains their own shared values and beliefs, people become uncomfortable when they are confronted by people whose values are much different from their own. People often become offended or disgusted towards others who they believe are participating in “obscene” activities due to differences in ethnicity. This arises conflict because no group wants to consider their values to be any less than another’s values, and people can’t seem to come to a mutual agreement on what is considered “good”. Even if ethnic groups are combined, the individual beliefs are destroyed by assimilation and individuality is erased because eventually everyone will think, act and talk the same. Cherishing each individual culture but at the same time working all as one should be the goal that society plans to achieve, but the idea is much easier said than …show more content…

This is very true, but only if a person is interested in widening their perspective. Our society can’t force people to widen their perspective if they are not willing, and that is why things such as mandatory diverse training in businesses are going down the toilet. No one wants to do mandatory training, and people look at it to be more of a burden then a learning experience if they are not interested in widening their perspective to appreciate others. We need to encourage the idea of individuals seeking diverse experiences not enforcing diverse

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