Hamlet Misogynist Analysis

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Misogyny and Portrayal of Women in Hamlet
In the play Hamlet by William Shakespeare, Hamlet has hatred for women, especially for his mother Gertrude and his lover Ophelia. This can portray Shakespeare as a misogynist, seeing that he wrote the play. You can tell Shakespeare has a way of feeling sorry for Ophelia and Gertrude by the way he writes. Shakespeare and Hamlet have a little difference in opinion when it comes to women in the play. Hamlet is a cruel, depressed prince and Shakespeare has a way of writing in his input without it being his input. Hamlet shows his hatred when he is talking to his mother Gertrude. Gertrud married Hamlet's uncle, Claudius quickly after his father had died. Hamlet shows his detestation for his mother in
Shakespeare has a way of writing Gertrude as a victim of her men (Claudius and the late king). Meaning that Shakespeare had Gertrude so she didn’t know that Claudius killed the king and was trying to kill Hamlet. Whereas Hamlet holds weakness against the women. Every chance he gets he is calling them out and putting them down mentally. Shakespeare portrays Gertrude as a victim. The evidence is at then end of the play Act 5, Scence 2 “ Gertrude, do not
Hamlet portrays Ophelia to be used only for his own purpose. He didn’t want Ophelia to leave him. I Shakespeare portrays Ophelia in a different way than what Hamlet does. Again, he does have a sense of feeling bad for Ophelia. You can tell when he is feeling bad for Ophelia when he has her talking to Polonius about how Hamlet looked insane, when he came to her room. In Act 3, Scene 1, Hamlet is talking to Ophelia in a suitable way, at first. As their conversation goes on Hamlet is more arrogant. Shakespeare wrote him this way to show his own portrayal of a love. Shakespeare had killed Ophelia off when she began to go insane while, Hamlet wasn't there. Shakespeare has a sense of feeling bad for Ophelia, he in some opinions had her commit suicide to show that women can not handle being alone. By this time in the play Laertes and Hamlet are gone and Polonius is dead. Shakespeare has a way in his writing that it all makes sense. Even if Ophelia did not commit suicide, or she was murdered or she did fall into a body of water, the concept fits with the idea that Shakespeare portrays women as they can not be alone, they can live on their

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