Halon Vs PhostrEx

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Halon Vs PhostrEx
Halon has been the choice for aviation around the world for years, but it’s known for effects of depleting the ozone and is evaluated for human health concerns. In results, this gives the Aviation community a different approach when using Halon fire suppression systems aboard aircraft and finding its replacement agent. But finding a replacement agent will not be easy due to the current use of halon on board aircraft around the world. Task groups which are a part of the International Halon Replacement Working Group (IHRWG), has proposed several agents to the FAA in testing on board aircraft. The IHRWG expressed the testing agents as halocarbons which has similar chemicals to the regular halon substance but less environmental impact, tolerable toxicity and has to be effective against aircraft fires. The FAA Technical Center had almost completed the evaluation for hand held extinguishers but as for circulating systems used for cargo bays and engine nacelles, the process might take just a little bit longer. As for my opinion, the only agent that comes close to completely replacing halon is an agent called PhostrEx.
Halon is basically a gas that’s liquefied and is used to extinguish fires interfering with the chain reaction of the fire triangle. This agent leaves no residue and it is very non conductive when it is discharged. There are at least two three different Fire extinguishers and suppression halon systems used and approved by the FAA. These agents are Halon 1211, Halon 1301 and the combination of the two.
Halons have been tested to be harmful to the Earth’s stratospheric ozone layer which makes the global warming potential unacceptable. The United States has banned import halon production on Jan 1...

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...hostrEx as been set into the market, manufactures all over the globe would have converted over to the new agent.

Works Cited

Eric C. Shilling (1996, February) Halon and its replacements for Fire Suppression System in Aircraft. Retrieved December 2, 2013 from http://www.fs.fed.us/t-d/pubs/html/96571301/96571301.html

Joe Escobar (2006, March) PhostrEx Fire Suppession System. Retrieved November 6, 2013 from http://search.proquest.com.ezproxy.libproxy.db.erau.edu/docview/223756675

Robin Bennett(2011, April) Replacing Halon in Fire Protection Systems: A Progress Report. Retrieved November 6, 2013 from http://www.boeing.com/commercial/aeromagazine/articles/2011 q4/3/

NMBW Staff (2005, July) Eclipse introduces new chemical fire-suppression system. Retrieved November 6, 2013 from http://www.bizjournals.com/albuquerque/stories/2005/07/25/daily10.html?jst=b ln hl

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