Halloween Movie Gender Roles

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Movies like "Halloween", "300", and "Frozen" all portray a similar perspective on demolishing gender stereotypes. From feminism to homosexuality, these movies break the boundaries that women cannot be independent and that gays cannot posses masculinity. They show an entire new concept of gender roles and additionally create a very positive aura. The criticism used in these movies would be best described as "gender studies and queer theory" (Mays 1325).
The movie "Halloween" gives women the sense of superiority. Typically, horror films will make women appear fragile and weak. They make the women scream and cry for help. Films usually make them vulnerable to the attacker and more than often a male character will come to the rescue. This happens because there are "a set of social ideals that identif[y] white women with self-sacrifice, nurture, and the home, and white men with autonomous individualism and the world of capitalist commerce" (Hausman 579). Therefore, women are …show more content…

There is this massive war occurring between Persia and Greece. There's a ton of fighting, abuse, and killing that takes place in this movie. The masculine roles are completely fulfilled in this film, even though most of the characters in this movie commit actions that are not necessarily considered straight. There are numerous homosexual references like same sex hand holding and touching, and there are even some lines in this film that containsexual tension between men. This, along with many other elements, gives the movie a homosexual feel. Nevertheless, these men defeat the stereotypes of gays. Vatican states "gay men have not reached 'affective maturity' and so cannot 'relate correctly to both men and women' (Heck). This movie proves him wrong. These men are not light-hearted nor sensitive. They are mudering people with no remorse. "300" allows the opportunity for gays to be seen as equal as straight

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