Halloween Costume Ideas

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Just because the wedding has ended and the flower girl is no longer needed, it does not mean that the flower girl dress isn't! There are multiple ways to reuse a flower girl dress, so giving it away, donating it, or shoving it to the back of a closet really isn't necessary. By keeping and reusing the dress, you'll save plenty of money on multiple occasions until the dress either does not fit anymore, or gets too worn and wrecked. Either way, don't throw it away!

Baptisms, Barmitzvahs, and Other Religious Events

Flower girl dresses have to be beautiful, perfect, and elegant for weddings, so why not save it for a religious event, considering the fact that the attire worn to them has to be clean, elegant, and formal overall.

Halloween Costume Ideas

A flower girl dress is more often than not white, …show more content…

If you're daughter loves to dress up and have parties with her friends, organizing a tea party is a great way to reuse the flower girl dress. You could also incorporate a princess theme, as well.

Save it and Lend it

Keeping the dress to save it for the purpose of allowing friends and family to borrow it for their weddings or parties is also a great idea, and you could even make some extra money by renting it out, too. For example, if a friend is getting married and his or her daughter is to be the flower girl, you could mention to them that they could borrow or rent your child's flower girl dress for the day, so they can save money while you make some, should you choose to rent it out.

Keep it for Family Events

If your family has get an annual get together, such as a barbecue or a somewhat formal dinner, keep the flower girl dress for these occasions. Even if it's not a formal family event and one where people usually just wear jeans a t-shirt, your daughter may want to dress up and be fancy like an adult, even if everyone else is just in casual wear.

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