Hair Stress And Hair

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Stress Hair Loss

One of the main factor involved in hair loss is stress.Stress hair loss is very common nowadays. Continue reading this phenomenon to better understand the relationship between stress and hair.

Stress is caused by a situation in which a person feels a lot of pressure that he or she has difficulty managing. It then reacts disproportionately or inappropriately. But stress does not only affect the psychic. It also acts on hormones. Indeed, if you are under stress, your brain will send a message to the pituitary gland that will then react the adrenal glands. These then produce hormones, such as adrenal androgens or cortisol.

The manifestations of stress on the hair

This secretion of androgens causes chain reactions. Shrinking …show more content…

If you are subject to occasional stress moments, the keratin of your hair will no longer be smooth. It will be thick in some places and thinner at others. On the other hand, if you are continuously energized and you live in a state of chronic stress, the keratin that covers your hair will be fine all along the length, while showing dents. The fragility of the hair contributes greatly to their fall. The level of stress you feel there is also for many.

Hair loss due to major …show more content…

Baldness, especially among young men, is considered by the main concern as an attack on their physical integrity, as a sign of premature old age. The more stress increases, the more hair falls. The vicious circle sets in and some people end up having no social life.

Treatment of stress Hair loss
The treatment given to people losing their hair due to stress differs depending on the case. It is important to consult. It is necessary to determine the level of deterioration of the hair and its propensity to fall. Your dermatologist will adjust the treatment according to his diagnosis. Stress treatment in depth will be the preliminary step to hair loss due to stress. For more tips on damaged hair care read our blog 7 Ways to treat Damaged hair.

Modify your lifestyle and learn how to better manage your work life and problems. In this context, relaxation sessions may be recommended by your practitioner. Get back to the sport so you can relax and unwind. Psychological support may also be required for those who still have difficulty accepting their

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