Hacksaw Ridge Thesis

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Introduction Hacksaw Ridge is a historical biographical movie that came out in 2016, it was directed by Mel Gibson, and written by Andrew Knight and Robert Scehnkkan. The film focus on a real-life superhero name Desmond T. Doss, who is played by Andrew Garfield, on his life journey during World War II as a combat medic. Doss lived on the countryside of Blue Ridge Mountains where he lived with his mother, abusive alcoholic father, and brother Hal. Due to an accident that happen between Desmond and Hal when they were younger, Desmond became a Seventh-Day Adventist, having against killing any other human being as his religious beliefs. He enlists in the Army to serve as a combat medic, where he is placed under the command of Sergeant Howell …show more content…

This show Desmond’s relationship with God is strong and unwillingly to go against his beliefs. As a combat medic in the military, his goal is to save lives. His relationship with other fellow soldiers is what made an impact on building relationships in this movie. There was one particular scene where everyone was retreating from the Battle of Okinawa, Desmond took the opportunity to stay behind. Desmond found a fellow soldier who got injured in the battle of Okinawa. He then saved that fellow soldier by providing a temporary solution in order to maintain his life. However, the Japanese soldiers began approaching, looking for any U.S soldiers that are still alive. He covered one fellow soldier with dirt and use a dead soldier to cover his own body. Desmond wasn’t going to leave any fellow soldiers behind despite how badly injure he was. When the Japanese were out of sight, he then carry him to the edge of Hacksaw Ridge and lower them down to the U.S soldiers that were guarding at the bottom of Hacksaw Ridge. After saving one’s soul, he try to found more living souls, but no such luck. He then placed his trust in God asking for his help in finding more soul that need to be saved, so he could save as many lives as possible. God began answering his prayers as he found more and more wounded soldiers that need to be saved. One by one, he

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