Hacking an iPhone

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For most people, not having a cell phone is unimaginable and without one we feel disconnected from the world. The leading device that helps us survive and navigate through this current hi-tech world is the Apple iPhone. With features like 3G network capability and remote database access it offers full computer functionality in the palm of a hand. Besides voice calls and text messages, the iPhone allows for full web browsing, email, and allows the installation of applications to further enhance usability through its own AppStore. But what if one wanted to push the iPhone’s capabilities beyond the limit of what Apple is willing to provide? The answer can be found in our other world, the cyber-world. In this micro-study, I will use tools and information available to the public via internet in attempt to hack the iPhone. Currently the iPhone is only sold to subscribers of the AT&T telecommunication service provider and all applications and updates are installed using Apple’s iTunes software. Using various resources I will focus the two main issues which have put Apple and the iPhone user community into the limelight. First, the “unlocking” of the iPhone, which bypasses the iTunes activations process and allows the device to be used on any SIM (Subscriber Information Module) card cellular phone service provider other than AT&T, in this micro-study I will be using a T-Mobile SIM card. Second, I will attempt to “jailbreak” the device, which will allow me to install third-party applications through underground sources and not directly from Apple. As I attempt to hack the iPhone, I will compare drawbacks and benefits of hacking methods, ease of use, and verify Apple’s claims on affecting functionality and possible damag... ... middle of paper ... ...ing.” PC Magazine 04 Sep 2007: N/A. Web. 14 Mar 2010. . • Wagenseil, Paul. "N.J. Teen Unlocks Apple's iPhone." Fox News 28 Aug 2007: n. pag. Web. 11 Mar 2010. . • McLean, Prince. "Apple defends AT&T, downplays talk of multi-carrier inevitability." Apple Insider. Apple Insider, 13 Mar 2010. Web. 14 Mar 2010. . • www.modmyi.com. Web. 14 Mar 2010 • Vogelstein, Fred. "The Untold Story: How the iPhone Blew Up the Wireless Industry Read More http://www.wired.com/gadgets/wireless/magazine/16-02/ff_iphone#ixzz0ic3Qh8jx." Wired - Wireless. Condé Nast Digital, 09 Jan 2008. Web. 12 Mar 2010.

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