The Midwife's Role in Post-Hysterectomy Care

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Gynaecological surgery refers to surgery performed on the female reproductive system For the purpose of this essay, I am going to discuss the role of the midwife in the care and management of a woman who has undergone a hysterectomy. Hysterectomy is the surgical removal of the uterus (Oxford Dictionary of Nursing, 2014). It is major gynaecological surgery and the immediate post operative period is a very important time for recovery. As with every surgery, there are the associated risks attached. According to O'Connor et al, 2004, there is a 2% risk of infection, haemorrhage 0.5% and mortality 6-11 per 1000 regardless of which surgical method is used for the hysterectomy. Therefore, I am going to use relevant literature and guidelines to discuss …show more content…

But, while researching this assignment, I came across numerous articles and guidelines specifically addressing the nurse's role in the post operative period but none of them mentioned a midwife. The definition of a midwife according to WHO (2014) is “the care of women during pregnancy, labour, and the postpartum period, as well as care of the newborn. It includes measures aimed at preventing health problems in pregnancy, the detection of abnormal conditions, the procurement of medical assistance when necessary, and the execution of emergency measures in the absence of medical help.” Therefore, the midwife plays an essential part in caring for a woman post-hysterectomy but the guidelines do not fully outline the midwife's duty to the same extent of that of a nurse's position. It was difficult at times to read the guidelines as they just addressed how a nurse works in the post-operative environment and didn't outline the midwife’s role in the patient's care. Therefore, it may be harder for a midwife to follow some of the guidelines as her role is clearly not stated in them. Because midwifery is expanding and always changing, the midwife needs to be up to date with her skills and knowledge. The midwife has huge responsibility in caring for patients and as stated in my introduction, there are risks associated with gynaecological surgery and it is clear from this assignment and my research that the midwife has a vital role in minimising these

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