Gupta Empire Research Paper

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Chapter Thesis: South and Southeast Asia in between the periods 1500 B.C.E to 600 C.E., with their growth of Indian civilization.

India is known as subcontinent by the cause of how big it is and how it’s a secluded area.

The Indian Subcontinent

This landmass surrounded the current countries: Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, and the bordering island of Sri Lanka. It splits into three geographic zones.
The source of precipitation is the monsoon which is winds that are seasonal in the Indian Ocean (allowed them to grow crops)
The ocean did not have a set barrier or bound to either travel or trade even though the movement and invasions arrived by land.
The Vedic Age

Ayra Migrations …show more content…

The Gupta Empire, 320-550 C.E.
Rise of the Gupta Empire
Gupta Empire developed from the Ganges Plain, Pataliputra was the capital, and the creator was Chandra Gupta.
There were three heirs, Samudragupta, Chandragupta II, and Kumara Gupta. Gupta's potential and power led to spreading across northern and central India.
Political Organization
Setting aside significant trading routes, taking advantage of rural production, and maintaining iron payments were their benefits.
Gupta Empire was very good in the topic of "theater-state". Meaning rituals, ceremonies, and events occurring.
Mathematicians created the idea of zero and numerals and also place-value notation. Scientists and Astronomers had accepted foundation as well.
A few causes such as growth, political and social structures, tradition of belongings caused the women to lose their rights and to the point where male have total control over women's actions.
A woman had to obey or be loyal to her father, husband, and then her sons.
Girls have gotten married as young as up to six or seven.
By joining as either a Jainist or a Buddhist, women were able to let themselves free from male

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