Gun Control In America Pros And Cons

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The Debate That Never Ends: Gun Control in America The rush of adrenaline a person receives the first time they fire a handgun is unlike anything else, the feeling of power and exhilaration that hits a person can be addicting. Guns are impressive weapons with positive and negative qualities. They can create mass destruction and ruin in seconds, they can also cause intense fighting with the mere mention of them to the wrong person or group. However, they also can save lives, provide protection of others, and are a source of self defence. Congress stopped passing gun laws shortly after the 1994 legislation, this is a factor into why the US. is currently in an intensive debate on gun control, some think the laws are too tight and others believe they are not tight enough. A key part in this debate is in the amount of guns available to the public, some people like Wayne Lapierre, National Rifle Association executive director, believe we need more guns accessible to the public. Along with that is the availability of guns to the public, Meghan Rosen, a writer for science news magazine and author of “MISFIRES in the Gun Control Debate”, believes that it is too easy to gain …show more content…

Philip Elliott and Sam Frizell co writers of the article “The New Politics of Gun Control” published in Time magazine, believe that the easy access is good because everyone has the right to own a gun. They believe that owning a gun is a constitutional right, that having been said, they also think that every constitutional right has a certain set of boundaries on it. In other words, America has the right to have easy access to guns, but that access should have boundaries on it. Boundaries such as background checks that would prevent guns from getting into the wrong hands, or gun safety education that would help gun owners be smart about using a storing their

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