Gummy Smile Research Paper

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Is having a gummy smile making you uncomfortable in social situations? Is it causing you to restrain your smile so that you come across less friendly than you really are? If you are not smiling as often as you should – for fear of showing too much gum – Quality Dental offers a non-invasive and highly predictable Gummy Smile Correction treatment that will give you a beautiful and confident smile in no time! For more info on the treatment, call our friendly staff at (02) 9922 1159 today! If you are not totally satisfied with your smile because it is over-exposing your gums, you may have what is commonly referred to as a gummy smile. There are many reasons for this: Teeth too short in proportion to gum visibility; over-protruding upper jaw bone causing the gums to show; over-active facial muscles; or a combination …show more content…

The most invasive type of treatment involves shortening the jawbone through surgery to reduce gum visibility. Not only is this considered rather extensive for a cosmetic treatment, it also requires long healing periods, making it prohibitive to many students and working adults who cannot afford the time. The fast and painless way to correct your Gummy Smile! Thankfully, people with gummy smiles can now turn to a non-invasive therapy that takes only minutes to deliver fast and reliable results. Using only medically approved products, Quality Dental offers this unique injectable treatment in a safe clinical environment. This treatment is designed to relax specific smile muscles of your face so that they do not raise your lips beyond a certain point, as an ingenious method of hiding your gums and giving you a healthy teeth-to-gum proportion. The general rule for an acceptable smile line is a maximum exposure of 1 to 2 millimetres of visible gum

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