Gulf Of Tonkin Dbq Analysis

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Document 1 was chosen because we decided to included a visual in our compilation, this particular one was chosen since it is a political cartoon on the Truman Doctrine. It was mainly used as a propaganda technique to attempt to gain public support for this overall theme. It also shows how quick the U.S. was to start using this tactic.This was placed first because we wanted this document to serve as a “warm-up” to the test taker. Document 2 The next document is one that is on the Marshall Plan. The document gives the purpose and implications directly from the mouth of George Marshall. This was also more towards the difficult side as it forced the reader to gather a fair amount of evidence to determine this is the Marshall Plan. This was placed …show more content…

This document was chosen because it is fairly easy (for the reader) and it serves as a major way the U.S. implemented the Truman Doctrine. This one also shows how patient the U.S. government was during the crisis. This document was placed here because it leads up to the next two documents in chronological order. Document 4 The next document is from Dean Rusk and consists of his interpretation of the Gulf of Tonkin resolution. This one was chosen to portray the reasons why the United States was in the Gulf of Tonkin. It also includes what extent the President was willing to go to for potential conflicts. It is in its order because it falls under the Johnson presidency, which was after Kennedy’s, so it falls in chronological order. Document 5 Document 5 serves to show Ronald Reagan’s thoughts during his president and also to hint towards his doctrine. It also was picked to illustrate the United States moving towards a state of peace, or an attempt at such, and also it states that the United States is moving on and focusing on other things. It is placed in this order, because yet again, it falls in chronological after the last

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