Guitar And Ukulele Similarities

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Guitar and Ukulele Compare and Contrast Essay
Guitars and Ukuleles have been around for a long time, they have similar body shapes but different in sizes. Both have a lot of similarities and differences. Three main differences between the guitar and ukulele is the difference in where they originated, there size and difference in tones, chords. Guitars and ukuleles were originated from different places at different times. The guitar originated from Malaga, Spain in the fifteenth century. It was engineered by a spanish black man, the first guitar was originally a four stringed guitar. By the time the guitar went through the classical period, and after the guitar was made a six string, also known as a modern day guitar. The ukulele is originally developed in the Madeira Islands of Portugal. The machete also known as ukulele was given its name by the natives of Hawaii .It is a descendent of the early European and Middle Eastern plucked stringed instruments, the ukulele was brought over to Hawaii by portuguese immigrants who came to work in the sugarcane fields in the late 1800’s. The guitar and Ukulele both come from two different places, and …show more content…

The standard size ukulele is 21 inches long which makes the uke have a higher pitched tone.The guitar length depends on the manufacturer, it is made for a bigger and deeper sound. Ukulele strings and cords are different from the guitars also. The ukulele has only four strings which is tuned GCEA. The standard guitar only has six strings, and is tuned EBGDAE. The cords are also different because you are lacking or gaining strings to be able to play the ukulele or guitar. Guitars and ukuleles are played differently in some ways. The guitar can be played by picking or strumming, but a ukulele is mostly played by strumming because there are only four strings and the size of the ukulele makes it a little more challenging to

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