Guilt in the Stories, As the Night the Day and The Heir

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Everyone in this world has a conscience that makes a person do bad things and good things. After a person has done a bad thing they will usually feel guilty and when they feel guilty enough they will admit to there wrong doing. Guilt exists in everyone that is human. In these stories "As the Night the Day" and "The Heir" guilt affects the two children Kojo and Sogun.

In the Story “The Heir'; Sogun felt guilty for letting his grandfather accuse Sokpae for taking the jades when he was actually the one who took the jades. The accused had led Sokpae to leave his family during a heavy rainstorm. Since there was a heavy rainstorm the wooden bridge on the way from the village was washed away and killed Sokpae. The villagers arrived with news about Sogun’s death, which terribly devastated the family. “He must get away quickly because he could not face the dead body of someone virtually killed by him.'; (Kiwon 493) as Sogun thought while running to his room to pack. He could not help feeling the guilt of virtually killing Sokpae so he left the family. Sogun had thought that running away would make him lead a guilt free life. While leaving the house the voice of his grandfather stayed in his mind. He remembered his grandfather saying: “Everything in here is yours.'; (Kiwon 494) Sogun knew what he did was wrong and what he did wrong led to Sokpae’s death. And for this he left so that he could not cause anymore problems or troubles to his grandfather and his uncle. His g...

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