Growth Mindset By Carol Dweck

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According to what I learned from the class, a growth mindset is a kind of way of thinking that believes these difficulties and hardships in life are just another chances for us to develop ourselves. Unlike the fixed mindset, which is the other kind of category present by Carol Dweck and it always simply accepts failure as lack of abilities that naturally given, people who hold growth mindset do not buying it and their reactions to failures are always keep training and trying. By given a consideration that abilities can be developed after hard working, growth mindset can help us to build confidence and overcome difficulties and obstacles in our long river of life.

As a child of primary school teacher, I have been asked to do extra homework since I was 7 years old. It is hard to identify it’s right or wrong, but at least, it forced me to try all kinds of ways to work out the puzzles and it sounds like that I have a growth mindset. However, when I began my high-school life, I found out that it is too hard for me to deal with some subjects and I started to think that I just can not do it and I don’t have the gifts to solve it like my classmates. This personal experience ended with a low marks in Gaokao. After 4 years in college and 2 years in Australia where I started to work with others, now I got an attitude that the …show more content…

You are either smart or not smart. If you fail, then you are not clever enough." And this is the reason that when children began to fail, they will unable to accept the reality, just because the failure remind them that they are not talented (he is so easily confused, the memory is so nonfunctional). There is no one that would like to be reminder as a loser all the time, and that’s why those kids would not focus at the topic. Carol names this way of thinking as fixed

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