Grounded Theory Analysis Essay

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Ethics are an important aspect of conducting research, especially when choosing participants. Due to the difficulties that may arise when asking a client to re-live their counseling experience, which may evoke difficult emotions. For this study clients from a voluntary sector counselling service were informed and provided with consent forms should they wish to participate. Only a small number of people agreed to partake in the study and the researchers made contact with them three to four months after they finished therapy to minimise intrusion. Assessing the validity of a qualitative research article requires a set of quality criteria to be followed, which was developed by Elliott, Fischer and Rennie (1999). Firstly the researcher has to …show more content…

Sufficient examples are required to show analytic procedures that have been used so the reader can understand these. In this article qualitative research involved collecting data through audio recordings of interviews. One of the main strengths of using this approach was the use of grounded theory analysis, which is simply the discovery of emerging patterns in data. Unstructured interviews were carried out through the use of open questioning. Which produces an individual, accurate and detailed account that can then be recorded and transcribed for analysis. By using interviews to gather the data the researcher was able to be guided by the participants rather than be restricted to specific questions. A systematic approach was used in the article through grounded theory analysis. In this study the researcher records the interviews and then transcribes them on a computer whereby the data is analysed and coded. Common themes in the data are observed and then grouped together into categories. The good thing about coding is that it you can keep going back through the data and identify similar material, which gains in significance. Finally carrying out credibility checks on the categories that were formed was carried out by re-examining interview segments, obtaining key quotes to support their

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