Grit: The Power Of Passion And Perseverance

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At one point, one looks up to a person who are successful and wonder how one can become succeed like them. For some reasons, people tends to admire and give preferences to people who were born gifted. However, they are likely to overlook one critical point that all successful people shared: Grit. According to Dr. Duckworth who is the author of the well-known book “Grit: The power of Passion and perseverance”, grit is made of passion and perseverance; passion is having consistency and stick to the long term goal that was set, whereas perseverance is the will to overcome obstacles along the path without giving up.
The studies in the book shown that grit is needed to become successful. It becomes very evident through the west point dropout, army special operation forces, U Penn undergraduate, and Spelling Bees studies that were done. These studies were mentioned in Chapter 1 of the book. According to the studies, the standard criteria that the society used to measure one’s capabilities such as SAT score, school rank… does not actually do the justice. Success can have many meaning , but through these studies, it is …show more content…

This can be tied back into the formula that Dr. Duckworth mentioned in chapter 3 that efforts count twice in the products for achievements. This is very eye opening for me because from the culture that I came from, people tend to obsess with the talents rather than looking over their hard work. It made me really sad to think that people still stuck to the conservative idea that if you do not have talent, you cannot make far in life. Not only in Cambodia, but also US that people are likely to self-doubt due to that fault prediction of their future based on the society prejudice. So, I think it is very essential for people to understand and aware of these

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