Grendel's Mother-Wolf: A Fictional Narrative

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The engraved sword that had miraculously sliced the life out of Grendel’s mother held the victory of triumph. It had fought so arduous, and if it had a heart, it would have thumped with adrenaline, louder than the beat of a drum, as it had won against the she-wolf that was Grendel’s mother. The metal that slaughtered Beowulf’s enemy dripped in a waterfall of mercury poison. The balefulness of the moment rang true, as the snapshot in time had conjured up a mood of victory and portentousness. The unpleasant scent of rust and salt hung in the unbalance of the fiery air. The wet metal was an aroma of metallic; a melting copper penny. Though it smelt more intense than a bucket of bleach, it bespeaks a merciless event. The potent mixture of the …show more content…

The fragment of ore was covered in thorns of a cactus as it had oozed out the horror that was the she-wolf. The sword itself was sharper than a pointy needle, and if one found themselves struck by it, they surely would have writhed in agony, as it would be worse than even the mightiest of paper cuts. The blade’s hilt would feel as if you were holding a boulder, as the weight of what it can do would weigh heavy in anyone’s hand. The spit of snake venom sticking to the blade would burn supremely than touching the surface of even Venus after it’s baked in the sun. The boiling poison of Grendel’s russet liquid is the opposition to that of a rose petal. It in no way would be soft as a fluffy pillow or cool as the purest of fresh-fallen snow. The rusty and freshly drawn blood on the blade signifies the victory of Beowulf, and the defeat of the prickly monster, which is pertinent to the overall menacing mood, as it signifies the battle is over, and that good has beaten out evil. Though the monster’s bodily fluid may have present as a reminder of a nail that had been sitting out in the sun and rain for far too long, it contributes to the reader’s perception of inevitable

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