Grendel As A Villain Essay

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We have all seen villains in literature and in movies. Villains have been interpreted in many ways such as being malicious and terrorizing citizens, although that is not always the case. In Beowulf, Grendel is the villain throughout the entire poem, he is ruthless and shrewd, and has plans to petrify Hrothgar’s kingdom. In class, we defined a villain as “a person, place or thing, ruthless and cunning, motivated by deceitful and selfish desires whose thrill seeking detailed plans lead to the destruction of society”. In the poem, Grendel shows the qualities of being a villain, he is ruthless, cunning, and motivated by underhanded narcissistic desires and plans to lead the destruction of society. Grendel has made a point that he is the villain of the poem. In many ways, he has shown that he is merciless and wily throughout the entire poem. Before Grendel’s first attack, he had a cunning quality about him, the narrator noted “Then from the moor, in a blanket of mist, Grendel came stalking” (710-711). Grendel made his way to Heorot in the dead of night, when everyone was asleep, stalking through the night. The poem shows that Grendel is ruthless because he slaughtered thirty thanes the first night of attacks by …show more content…

After the first night, Grendel murdered thirty men, the narrator tells the reader, “the very next night he committed a greater murder, mourned not at all for his feuds and sins- he was too fixed in them” (135-137). The author tells the reader that Grendel is a decedent of Cain “after the Creator had condemned him among Cain’s race – when he killed Abel the eternal Lord Avenged his death.” (106-107). Grendel was miserable and the happiness from Heorot, only made it worse “Thus this lordly people lived in joy, blessedly, until one began to work his foul crimes – a fiend from hell.”

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