Greg Riddley's The Treasure Of Lemon Brown

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The Treasure of Lemon Brown is a story that many readers can apply to real life situations. How can these events influence a character's attitude or perspective? At the beginning of the story, Greg Riddley, the protagonist, had just been lectured by his father about his poor math grade. His father warned Greg that if he got a bad grade, he could not play basketball. The harsh, angry weather had reflected Greg's mood at that moment. Greg decided to go on his apartment roof for some cool air, with his father's voice echoing in his head. It started raining, which prompted Greg to go back inside knowing his father would tell him to hit the books and study. so instead of confronting his father, he went for a walk around the neighborhood. Greg was disappointed and annoyed. He really wanted to play basketball, he didn't know …show more content…

They both heard it and looked out the window only to find three thugs who had overheard Lemon talking about treasure. Lemon frantically told Greg to follow him to safety, and Greg listened. They found themselves at the top of a flight of stairs, where they crouched in the darkness. The thugs demanded Lemon Brown for money and threatened him. Lemon and Greg stayed as quiet as possible, and the thugs eventually found them. Greg used the eerie setting to his advantage and started howling. He hurled himself at the thugs, which scared them away. Lemon Brown wanted to protect Greg by directing him to safety. Greg trusted Lemon enough to follow him and protect Lemon from the thugs. Lemon trusted Greg enough to show him his treasure. A harmonica that his close friend left when he died in a war. It was an old Harmonia, but Greg knew the value it held for Lemon Brown. Greg asked Lemon, "Are you sure that treasure of yours was really worth fighting for?" Against a pipe of water?" Lemon Brown said yes, what did he really have to lose? Lemon Brown checked for the thugs and sent Greg

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