Greenleaf And Christianity: Servant Leadership

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1.summarize how both Greenleaf and Christianity call people to serve and discuss how one feels when called to serve as a leader.
1. According to Greenleaf and Christianity people can be served when specific principles can be shown in their words and their actions. For example, per Greenleaf theory, when individuals are ready to sacrifice their benefits just to support others and giving them an opportunity to fulfill a goal in their life, this is a kind of calling for being a servant leadership (Sendjaya & Sarros, 2002). Similarly, the people will be more sacred if they give more than to earn (Sendjaya & Sarros, 2002). Also, per Christianity people are called to be servant leaders when they are humble with others and do not see themselves different because of their age, experience, wealth or any standard that make people feel good about themselves (the …show more content…

This means the servant leaders lean towards overlooking applying the power they have and substitute it with moral and ethical principles in their workplaces. In this way, they gain back their power, but with more profitable and sustainable results. In contrast to the managers whose results come always no unsatisfactory because they strive to use the power, they have in their organizations. In other words, the regular managers will have more obstacles with their teammates because they lean towards using the power to gain good results instead of applying the principles of servant leadership. This has a true connotation with the principles of Greenleaf and Christianity in terms of the roles of servant leadership in improving any organizational environment by serving employees and supporting their needs. This does not mean the servant leaders can utilize their guide innovatively by applying beneficial principles such as persuasion (Sendjaya & Sarros,

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