Green Marketing Essay

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The concern related to the degradation of the environment has given birth to a new segment of consumers: the green or ecological/environmentally-friendly consumers. Before explaining how the STP process would affect green marketing, a green consumer should be defined.

• Definition of Green Consumers

A green consumer may be defined as a consumer who has concerns environment related issues. These consumers are supportive to environmental causes to the extent of switching product brands even if results in a higher cost to the consumer.
The consumer will tend to only purchase environmentally-friendly or energy saving products. These include products that are made from natural ingredients, products that don’t cause pollution or products made from recycled materials.
The rising trend of green marketing has a great impact on the STP process. This rising trend in green marketing will also result in reduced segment of potential consumers; it is reduced only to consumers who have adopted green or environmentally friendly values.

• How Does Green Marketing Affect Segmentation

The rising trend of green marketing has a great impact on the STP process. This rising trend in green marketing will also result in reduced segment of potential consumers. Before the market can be further segmented it should be noted that there are two types of green consumers. Whilst green consumers consist of a vast majority of consumers who have environment related issues in mind, there is also a notable percentage of consumers who indulge in green products without environmental issues in mind. Examples of this include consumers who purchase energy saving products to reduce their personal household bills or consumers who purchase green products with the intentio...

... middle of paper ... these products.

• How Does Green Marketing Affect Targeting
Due to the vast scope of green consumers, marketers may implement concentrated targeting strategies when targeting consumers for their product. An example to justify this choice of targeting strategy may be a company targeting consumers who have the objective to conserve resources. The company will market resource saving products to this segment of green consumer. The fact that there is a large scope of green consumers makes it difficult for marketers to implement other targeting strategies as opposed to a concentrated targeting strategy. The different segments of green consumers have different objectives when buying green products and by using concentrated targeting strategies for their target market is the most effective way for the targeting process.
• How Does Green Marketing Affect Positioning

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