Greek Persuasive Speech

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I have had enough, I’m so sick of the accusations from some liberals/ progressives of how terrible conservatives are that I want to set the record straight. 1) Just because I don’t want to vote for Hillary Clinton does not mean I’m waging a war on women, I am a woman. I don’t want to vote for her because I believe she is a liar and I don’t trust her. Just because she has not been charged with crimes does not mean she hasn’t committed any. We know that she has, there is indisputable evidence. 2) Just because I don’t believe every word that President Obama spews does not make me a racist. I am a firm believer in Martin Luther Kings dream that a person should be judged by the content of their character and not the color of their skin. Our President has lied so …show more content…

I believe LBGT have every right to marry and reap the benefits that come with it, I don’t believe the LBGT community has the right to deny Christians their right to refuse their involvement based on their beliefs. Not wanting to be involved in a religious ceremony is not the same as refusing service for being gay, there is a difference whether you like it or not. 5) Believing that all lives matter does not make me a racist, saying all lives matter doesn’t make me racist. Just because BLM says you are a racist for saying or believing that all lives matter doesn’t make it so. Who made BLM the word police? 6) Because I believe you should come into this country legally does not make me a bigot or a racist. If the President were to do the job he has taken an oath to do I would not have to make this statement. There are 535 members of the Senate and Congress that were voted into office by the American people, those 535 enacted laws concerning immigration. If you don’t like the laws then change who you vote for. There are laws on the books that were voted on and passed that cover every aspect of the immigration problem, the problem isn’t me or conservatives the problem is the refusal of our President to obey the

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