Great Gatsby American Dream Corruption Essay

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American Dream
American Dream is the representative philosophy of the American society. American culture is more or less coloured by the American Dream. The concept of American Dream is the story and vision of American success. The characteristics of American Dream is the emphasis on availing every opportunity that comes in one’s way. It has a religious heritage particularly Puritans. Puritans believed that they found the truth written in the bible and they are ‘Chosen People’. They believed that only they can free the society from corruption. So when Puritans settled in America it became their ‘Promise Land’. They believed that their salvation will be fulfilled by material success.
American Dream is defined as the crest for change. It is …show more content…

It shows that now American dream is no longer a vision of building a life but all about getting rich. It symbolizes both corrupted and uncorrupted American Dream. He sees wealth as a solution to all his problems, pursues money with the help of shady schemes. He reinvents himself so much that he becomes hollow and detached from his past. Yet his corrupt dream of wealth is motivated by his love for Daisy.

The Great Gatsby is perfect example of how American dream corrupted people. In this novel Gatsby, Daisy and Marytl all were corrupted while pursuing their dreams. The desire of having a luxurious life lures Marytle into having an affair with Tom. It is very symbolic. The west egg where the newly rich lived symbolizes those who pursued the American Dream.
One of the first symbols depicting the american dream would be the green light at the end of Daisy’s dock. This is a light that always seems out of reach, and that’s because it is. Gatsby is so admirable to said light saying it symbolizes our lives however it is always close yet so far away. It represents his love for Daisy and desires to win her back. The most interesting of the symbolism however is that this light symbolizes “green is for go “. During the time period of The Great Gatsby is when the first traffic light was invented. And as we all know green means go. So is Fitzgerald really saying go for your

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