Graduation Rate In The United States

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The graduation rate for high school in the United States of America was 75 percent in 2009, meaning that 1 in 4 students fail to earn a diploma in four years, researchers found (nydailynews, np). Numerous students across the United States are striving to complete high school within 3 years or less. Some students are academically gifted or excited to graduate high school (Chen, np.) The student’s are more prepared mentally, have greater opportunities with scholarships and college applications and obtain a head start in their college careers, but only if more high schools adopted the early graduation format.
Throughout high school, many students are in AP (Advance Placement) classes or even in honors classes since they identity as potentially …show more content…

Those students prepare to take a heavier work load while taking AP and honors classes. Several students just want to complete their education expeditiously in order to save money. The students who are 16 or 17 years old are sometimes even more mentally prepared than high school seniors because they already know what they want in life. Those students are proactive and take the necessary initiative to meet their individual goals. According to Rubenstone, it’s most important “…for those who have already exhausted the high school curriculum and have few challenges available”(n.p.). Usually, school principals think that it’s wiser for students to stay there all four years to prepare for college. Originally, high school had been designed to teach the basics over a four year period, even though many need all four years; not everyone does. According to the article “Early Graduation”, students who complete high school ahead of their peers are often seen as being advanced in both academics and social maturity in comparison to their peers …show more content…

Graduating early can grant scholarships that can pay college without having to take the government’s money. Scholarships are available in certain states to students that graduate early. In several states, students have been granted up to $5,000 when graduated early (Shellenbarger, np). In Arizona, a student is given a scholarship ranging between $1,000 and $1,200 for graduating high school early (CollegeToolKit n.p.). It’s possible to combine nearly all scholarships to make it easier for the student to cover the costs of college. Often, scholarships are available and rewarded to students who graduate high school early. Some people may not feel earning a scholarship is important, however, it is beneficial for the student because the government offers funding that could potentially cover a college semester tuition fee (Free Application for Federal Student Aid). Unfortunately, the cost of college can be more that the amount the government will provide. At Arizona State University, the annual tuition is approximately $5,000 per semester or $10,000 per year without taking summer courses (ASU Tuition Calculator). Still, Universities continue to be extremely expensive, even with the use of scholarships. Not only does graduating early help on scholarships, but even college applications (Liz Funk, np). Although people may assume being accepted into your choice university, it is not. However, the chances

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