Governments should encourage more men to become nurses

638 Words2 Pages

Governments should encourage more men to become nurses
Since the baptism of humanity on this blessed planet, the responsibilities of men and women remained fairly separated. Traditionally, men had to go out for earning bread and butter and women had to manage the household activities. In the same way when societies evolved after the onset of agriculture revolution, the professions of males and females remained distinguished. Similarly the profession of nursing was overwhelmingly occupied by the women and the strength of males in it remained negligible throughout the course of history. But in the contemporary world, with the female activism, the distinction between male and female occupation has ceased to exist. That’s why this profession needs male professionals as well for its prosperity and development. So governments should encourage more men to become nurses.
Thesis Statement
Governments should encourage more men to become nurses.
Body Paragraphs
The world population increased drastically especially after the industrial revolution. It happened due to enhancement in economic resources of the world and improvement in medical facilities. Consequently, greater number of hospitals and nursing professionals were required to tackle the situation. As a result, now it has become quite difficult for the women to take this most pivotal responsibility on their shoulders alone. Now they require the help of males in this profession. That’s why governments should encourage more men to become nurses.
In addition, due to technological advancement, medical treatment is often accompanied by big and complicated machines. It includes machines for CT- scan, Dialysis and X-Ray. It is often difficult for the females to operate and handle...

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From above discussion, it can be concluded that in modern world, each and every profession requires participation of both genders for its prosperity and growth. Same is the case with the profession of nursing. It will not evolve at good pace if males participation is not encouraged in it. That’ why, it is concluded that governments should encourage men to become nurses in order to counter the challenges of modern world.

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