Governments Used in Ancient Civilizations

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Early Governments

When humans first evolved, they evolved into a society that did not yet have a government. At first they lived without any rules or laws. This type of society is known as Anarchy. When people began farming and settling down in one place it quickly became difficult to live is a society without any authority. Therefore new types of governments emerged. The initial government was a Royal Theocracy, in which the society is controlled by religion. The highest ranked priests in such a society were able to talk to the gods and hear their demands in order to assure a good harvest. Because people are generally greedy by nature, man soon wanted more. Only talking to the gods was no longer good enough, the rulers wanted to be the gods. These kings were known as God Kings. These sorts of governments came right in the beginning of human civilization and shortly after each others, and therefore have a lot of similarities but also distinctive differences.

Anarchy is the one that has the most obvious differences out of these three governments, it actually has almost no resemb...

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