Government Should Not Spy On Citizens

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The U.S. Government Should Not Spy On Citizens Should the Government spy on the U.S. Citizens? I believe they shouldn't because, it's invading our privacy. They say that they spy on us because,the Government prevents thousands of terrorist attacks every single year by programs that pick up keywords and that they aren't always listening or reading everyones conversations, they do it only when they have a reason. They should not be able to spy on us unless it's really important. There is a line between spying on citizens to find out who is a terrorist and putting tabs on non-suspicious people, so the government should not be able to do that. Also, we do not know what kind of information they have on us and that is not constitutional. If they are spying on us, we should at least know what the tabs are that they have on us. If we have nothing to hide, there shouldn't be anything to worry about. Nothing prevents the system from going away and tracking political dissidents or spying on CEO’s. Considering the government itself has acknowledged the security measure and it has been mostly inefficient. U.S. Citizens should have their freedom if the Government can. Oppression, dictatorship and intrusive governments …show more content…

federal government use covert operations, the Times found. Agents impersonate business people, students, doctors, ministers and welfare recipients to glean information from people the agents believe might be breaking the law. The Internal Revenue Service has sent dozens of agents disguised as accountants, drug dealers and even yacht buyers after tax evaders abroad.Surveillance organizations and technology companies have both time and money. That means yes, they could hack into your computer if they were specifically targeting you. However, it’s unlikely they’d dedicate their resources to zero in on the average citizen. It would cost them too much time and money if they scaled that up across the

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