Good Housekeeping: Annotated Bibliography

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Annotated Bibliography

Fogle, Asher. “Surprising Facts You May Not Know About Adoption.” Good Housekeeping, 8 Dec. 2015,
There is no position being argued on this page there is facts on how many kids get adopted per year and how many there are that need adopted.There is also information about interracial and the LGBTQ community adopting. The claim here is that there is a lot of children in foster care that need adopted, and that the adoption rates are slowing down but the number of children is increasing. The evidence here to support the claim is statistics from the National Adoption Center. The evidence is from 2015, and the author uses the logos appeal in the article.

“Adoptions in America Are …show more content…

The claim to this article is that there are more kids being born than the number of adoptions taking place. Statistical information from the State department is used to back up the claim. This information was published in January of 2017. The writer used the logos appeal.

“Do Orphanages Still Exsist in America?” American Adoptions, America's Adoption Agency, On this website i will argue that the adoption process has changed and that orphanages in America have changed over time, also argue that people might not understand how things work now so they won’t choose adoption as a choice. The claim here is that orphanages have changed over time. They use statistics from the American Adoptions
Professionals. The information is from 2017 and they use the pathos appeal, because they want you to choose adoption.

Newman, Susan. “Why More People Don't Adopt.” Psychology Today, Sussex Publishers, 25 Oct. 2008,

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