Gods Of Egypt

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Gods of Egypt Review Gods of Egypt, a film directed by Alex Proyas, an Egyptian born Australian film director, screenwriter, and producer. He is best known for previous films The Crow, I Robot, and Knowing. While trying to figure out his main point of the film, one would take away that he feels Gods should treat and respect mortals as they themselves would ask to be respected and treated. In which he lethargically succeeded, partially. In sum, this review will include, a summary of overall work, an evaluation of work based on a list of criteria, acting, story line, stage setting, special effects, overall point of film, and lastly, the directing. Now, the movie takes place in Egypt during the time in which the Gods lived …show more content…

This movie sucks. A complete epic $140 million dollar fail. First, the movie takes place in Egypt, which is in Africa, before the Roman takeover. Where are the black Gods? Ok, there was one, Thoth (Chadwick Boseman), The God of knowledge and wisdom of all things, said to have physically bared witness to the creation of earth itself, but what the flashlights man. Majority of the Gods were white, which is highly inaccurate. Second, the action scenes would’ve been entertaining if they were believable. Giant fire breathing Cobras, Gods morphing into mythical creatures, and pure disrespect to the audience of the strength of Horus. There’s one scene where Horus attempts to lift Bek in the air by his throat, and barely lifts him off the ground. Not to mention, that the Gods were twice the size of the mortals, non-stop action to draw the audience away from the horrifying reality that it’s basically the story plot from the Lion King. Brother rules the land, tries to past the crown to his son, evil brother becomes jelouse kills the other brother, cast his nephew out of the kingdom. I’m not sure if your’re following but, sounds like the circle of life to my ears. And Bek, who in my eyes has the best roll. Journeying amongst the Gods, fighting and learnig from them, building relationships and friendships, that is awesome on so many levels. But Bek is a thieving, cunning, witty woman’s pet. The entire movie, all he does is whatever his girlfriend tells him to do. No mind of his own. No drive or will to be or do anything other than whatever she wants or tells him, pathetic. Clearly the best acting goes to Ra (Geoffrey Rush), and Set (Gerard Butler), the rest were mediocore, Horus in general. Set, by far, out-performed everyone except Ra, who only maybe two or three scenes. Overall, the movie sucks monkey juice, and I would not recommend anyone to waste their valuable movie time on this

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