God The Transformer: The Three Main Images Of God

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God the Transformer

This response details the three main images of god, specifically focussing on God as The Transformer. It will explore and explain the images of god, Identify how the mystery of God is understood, and evaluate religious writings from modern and former times.
Christian people, as a society, see their own god in many different ways. Most of these views could probably be fitted into the 3 main categories, god as a; Transformer, Dreamer, or the one who Loves. This topic will be focusing on the former of the 3, God the Transformer. The image of god as a transformer, says that Christian people are called by god to continue the work of his creation. In the eyes of the Christian peoples, God created the world and created it perfectly, but the world continues to change. It up those peoples to continue to maintain the worlds perfection in the context of all societies throughout the ages. As Christians create the world in Gods image, god Transforms their world to its deserved perfection. Christians participate in the building up of God's kingdom.
The three images of god: God the Dreamer, God the Transformer, and The God who …show more content…

Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is-his good, pleasing and perfect will”. This statement essentially explains that one should not attempt to fit in with society, but instead focus on gods work, then and only then will they know the good of gods word. Another example is 2 Corinthians 3:18, which says: “And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.” This scripture describes that only those who devote themselve in full to the Lord shall be shown the glory of the Holy

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