God Grew Tired Of Us Case Study

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Answer the following:
1. Summarize what happens in the clip. (provide FULL details)
This clip was actually a trailer for the movie God Grew Tired of Us made in 2006. In the beginning of the clip, there are three Sudanese men that each discusses different topics. Topics include how they bathe, the word apartment which is unheard of, not having electricity…etc. The next scene is a group of Sudanese men in an airplane, eating airline food. They seem to just be eating everything they see, and not truly understanding or analyzing their food. The next scene we can see them in what I assume is an apartment, there is a man showing them different snacks such as chips and pretzels. The man also taught them the norm of throwing things in the trash and not the window. The next scene they bring the guys to the supermarket and they are analyzing doughnuts, not knowing if it’s a food or not. The lady working for the …show more content…

What do you think was the most difficult thing these young men had to adjust to in coming to the US? Discuss fully, and provide specific details that leads you to this conclusion.
I think it was the norms of society. The food was confusing nevertheless, but it seems like they had a difficult time fitting in. I’ve been to Lebanon multiple times and I always remember when I get lost there are always strangers that are so nice and helpful. One instance a construction worker noticed I got lost; he left his job specifically to drive me home, and left me with the words “May god always be with you” and a smile. So I understand where these people are coming from, in other countries it is a norm to be open to strangers. Society here is somewhat cruel to those that we assume don’t fit in. We take their openness as foolishness, and expect them to just automatically fit in or leave. This is what I feel like they were very upset about. We can hear the stress in his tone when said “You cannot go to the house of someone you don’t know, though you are all

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