Go Tell It On The Mountain By James Baldwin

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In the novel Go tell It On The Mountain by James Baldwin follows the life of a young boy named John and his family who grew up in a religious home in Harlem where John’s father was a preacher. Growing up in a religious home John would often go to church with his family every Sunday to learn about the Lord. People would have high expectations for John to become a preacher when he got older. Religion is used throughout this book to help encourage the decision of the characters in the novel and how it impacted their lives on a day to day bases. In the book Go Tell It On The Mountain John and Roy’s mother Elizabeth who is a religious person wanted nothing but the best for her children and to keep them protected at all times. “ There …show more content…

“Yes, he was in that valley where his mother had told him he would find himself, where there was no human help, no hand outstretched to protect or save. Here nothing prevailed save the mercy of God—here the battle was fought between God and the Devil, between death and everlasting life. And he had tarried too long, he had turned aside in sin too long, and God would not hear him. The appointed time had passed and God had turned His face away.” ( Baldwin 108). Gabriel finds himself committing sins and he felt as if there was no hope for him. Growing up Gabriel ignored his mothers preachings about God and decided to drink and chase women everyday instead of being in church. As a preacher Gabriel is supposed to live up to the preacher lifestyle and do what’s right. “She sighed again, more genuinely this time, and tuned back to the mirror. "Well… he's a preacher. And if Deborah's right, he ain't got no right to be a preacher. He ain't no better'n nobody else. In fact, he ain't no better than a murderer.” ( Baldwin 99). Florence believes that all preachers should live up to a very high standard than everyone else to obtain religious authority. Florence is upset about the way Gabriel uses religion to seem as if he was better than anyone else. Even though Gabriel is a preacher he still makes …show more content…

According to the bible “If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.” ( KJV Bible 20:13) . A man should not be or have thoughts of being with the same sex because it’s a sin that the Lord does not approve of. Towards the end of the novel John realizes he needs to be saved from his sinful ways and looks to Elisha as a symbol of strength and religion in his life. "Elisha," he said, "no matter what happens to me, where I go, what folks say about me, no matter what anybody says, you remember - please remember - I was saved. I was there." ( Baldwin 262). John felt at the moment that he could turn to Elisha to help him with his struggles in his life and salvation. John changed his life around and now serves God with the help from

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