Gnomeo And Juliet Compare And Contrast

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“I told you so,” said the Shakespeare statue in Gnomeo and Juliet after a lawnmower crushed the main characters. He was referring to how the two lovers were going to die, but it turns out that they didn’t! That’s just one example of how different the setting, characters, and plot events are, in Disney and Rocket Pictures’ Gnomeo and Juliet compared to Shakespeare’s classic, Romeo and Juliet.

The setting in Gnomeo and Juliet is very different than the one in Romeo and Juliet. According to Romeo and Juliet, the prologue says “In fair Verona, where we lay our scene.” It is saying that the setting is in a town in Italy. But on the other hand, Gnomeo and Juliet is set in two gardens that are owned by Mr. Capulet and Mrs. Montague. Another setting …show more content…

In Romeo and Juliet, Father Capulet describes his love for his daughter by saying, “She is the hopeful lady of my heart.” However, in Gnomeo and Juliet, Mr. Capulet and Mrs. Montague aren’t the couple’s parents, Mr. Redbrick and Mrs. Blueberry are. Redbrick is Juliet’s father and Blueberry is Gnomeo’s mother. Another thing that is different is that we get to know one of Gnomeo’s parents unlike the play, where we never really got to see Romeo’s mother or father. One of the small character differences was that Tybalt had a sidekick. Tybalt’s sidekick was named Fawn and played the role similar to Tybalt’s gang in Romeo and Juliet. These examples show they are different because the main character’s parents play different roles. The Capulets and Montagues are the actual parents of Juliet and Romeo but in Gnomeo and Juliet, Mr. Capulet and Mrs. Montague are just the garden owners having a feud between themselves. Whatever the gnomes do to the garden, the owner thinks it was the other one. The director changed this to help fit in with the whole gnome theme, but also to put in some situational irony. The owners didn’t know that the gnomes could move and that the gnomes were the ones destroying the

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