Glory Of Women And Feminist Manifesto Analysis

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The poem’s “Glory of Women” and “Feminist Manifesto” elaborate on women’s rights. The poems gave people an outlook on what women were only able to do while men had plenty of opportunities. Reading the poems, you can see that a woman could have a chance to make her point across. And that was a way of expressing their feelings either in writing in a diary, book or in a poem. The authors use their expression in a way to have the readers to understand where they was coming from. The two writers put their feelings in the poems; it was the only way of telling their pain and that is what most poets do, either put it in their way and describe themselves or have somebody else as them but, state as their point of view. “Glory of Women” was based on a group of women and …show more content…

Similarity in the two poem’s that I will depict is femininity, morality, and characters. In the poem’s “Glory of Women” and “Feminist Manifesto” are poems that readers would know it is about the women fighting for their rights. But, the poems are really about what they had to do as a women. The femininity in the “Glory of Women “is “You love us when we’re heroes, home on leave, or wounded in a mentionable place” (Sassoon pg. 2025). And the “Feminist Manifesto” femininity was “Brave & deny at the outset that pathetic clap trap war cry Woman is the equal of man” (Loy pg. 2078). I chose these quotes because they show the similarities in women and how if men did not have women on this earth how would they survive and make a way with no women in the world. The writers established that women have the rights to do what men can do. As reading the poems it was like they pick and choose who can do it better. The writers labeled it as we as women and men labeled as men that we all can do it not

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