Glass Ceiling

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Artist information
This piece was published in march 8th of 2014, by artist Rayut Siman. It was uploaded on a print site, offered to around 40,000 members and sold to around 1,000 of those. It was also posted and spread on social media. The piece was created to raise awareness for limitations against females on Women’s Day.

I wish to investigate the depiction of gender and stereotyping in Siman’s work. Women are often oppressed in the work place and regularly face limiting factors in the climb of the corporate ladder.

The term ‘Glass Ceiling’ refers to the invisible barrier that prevents an individual from achieving further success in the work place. It is presented here in the context of the female gender. …show more content…

An example would be a woman that has better skills, talent and education than her male peers but is obviously being overlooked for promotions.
The glass ceiling metaphor in the business world is the reference to an employee’s rise up the ranks of the organization. In theory, nothing “physically” prevents a woman from being promoted, but women can see that the higher their rank, the more promotions, pay rises, perks and opportunities they should have. But Instead of being able to realize the same success as peers, in this case, male peers, the glass ceiling will stop her from progressing to a higher position in the workplace.

The frustrating thing about this kind of oppression is that it is covert and cannot be seen. Instead of being a tangible barrier that would be easy to identify, a glass ceiling in the workplace persists in very subtle ways. It is not visible, but it is all too real for the women who are faced with it as presented in this …show more content…

However, there could be a more positive message behind this color. Gray is once again a neutral color, and therefore a stable base from which something new and positive can come. This woman could be rising up, challenging this ‘glass ceiling’ and starting again, striving for a more equal and fair workplace.
The gradient could also enforce this theory. The gradient is directed up towards the sky, she could be struggling to get up, but she is trying, she is trying to break the glass ceiling, and excel these limits that are put on her.

The woman has little to no say in the situation. Looking at it in a business manner, she is unhappy with her position and wants to achieve greater things, yet due to her role, and subordinate position, she cannot voice her opinion. Nor would it seem that the men would actually listen, as they appear to be so oblivious towards the matter.


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